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List of speakers

Plan for summer semester 2023/24 #

date speaker title
22-25.04.2024 Antonio Capella mini-course Analytical Methods for Bayesian Inverse Problems Related to Partial Differential Equations
02.05.2024 King Ming Lam Nonradial stability of self-similarly expanding Goldreich-Weber stars
16.05.2024 Oleksii Krupchytskyi Bifurcations in a Free-Boundary PDE Model of Cell Motion Bioquant SR 042.
03-05.06.2024 Antonio Capella mini-course Asymptotic Stability of Coherent Structures in Dissipative Systems
20.06.2024 Fred Vermolen Simulation of post-burned skin using principles from morphoelasticity
27.06.2024 Kelly Spry Maggs Cohomology classes in the RNA transcriptome
04.07.2024 Ren-Yi Wang Stochastic dynamics of two-compartment models with regulatory mechanisms for hematopoiesis

Winter semester 2023/24 #

date speaker title
02.10.2023 Daphne Nesenberend Pattern formation in the Mechanochemical model
05.10.2023 Frits Veerman Beyond Turing: controlling pattern stability in reaction-diffusion systems
19.10.2023 Piotr Regulski Visual Analysis of Data in Different Applications
02.11.2023 Adam Bobrowski Thin layer approximation, boundary conditions and semi-permeable membranes
30.11.2023 Markus Kunze The bi-Laplacian with Wentzell boundary conditions on Lipschitz domain
19.12.2023 Dietmar Oelz Emergence of Asymmetry in Hydra Spheroids
11.01.2024 Tomasz Szarek Lower bound technique and its application in the theory of Markov processes
18.01.2024 Błażej Miasojedow Discretization of diffusions via gradient flows
25.01.2024 Michele Precuzzi Theoretical analysis and numerical simulations of the Darcy-Allen-Chan system

Summer semester 2022/23 #

date speaker title
27.04.2023 Manuel Friedrich (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) Finite crystallization via stratification
04.05.2023 Richard Schubert (Universität Bonn) A variational approach to data-driven problems in fluid mechanics
11.05.2023 Theresa Simon (Universität Münster) The elastica functional as the critical Gamma-limit of the screened Gamow model
17.05.2023 Hannes Meinlschmidt (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) Renormalized solutions for optimal control of the drift in Fokker-Planck equations
25.05.2023 Daniel Hauer (The University of Sydney) The fundamental gap conjecture
01.06.2023 Peter Hinow (University of Wisconsin) A Population Dynamics Approach to the Distribution of Space Debris in Low Earth Orbit
15.06.2023 Marc Pegon (Université de Lille) An isoperimetric problem involving the competition between the perimeter and a nonlocal perimeter
22.06.2023 Wolf-Patrick Düll (Universität Stuttgart) Validity of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Approximation for the Two-Dimensional Water Wave Problem With and Without Surface Tension

Winter semester 2022/23 #

date speaker title
28.02.2023 Vlad Revnic (Universität Heidelberg) Pseudodifferential operators and fractional Laplacian
16.02.2023 Stefanie Sonner (Radboud University Nijmegen) Degenerate Reaction Diffusion Systems Modeling Biofilm Growth: Well-posedness and Travelling Wave Solutions
19.01.2023 Annika Bach (Technische Universität München) Stochastic Homogenisation of finite Partitions: QualitativeTheory and Quantitative Aspects
19.01.2023 Camillo Tissot (Universität Heidelberg) On scaling properties of two-state problems
12.01.2023 Patrick Dondl (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) A sinc-function based numerical method for the Dirichlet problem with fractional Laplacian
08.12.2022 Bogdan Raiță (Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa) On compensation phenomena for concentration effects
01.12.2022 Tuấn Tùng Nguyễn (University of Heidelberg) Scaling equivalence between energy minimization by singular perturbation and finite elements on the Tartar square
24.11.2022 Franz Gmeineder (University of Konstanz) Quasiconvexity, (p,q)-growth and partial regularity
24.10.2022 Gabriel Paternain (University of Cambridge) Geometric inverse problems in 2D
20.10.2022 Leonid Berlyand (Pennsylvania State University) Asymptotic stability in a free boundary PDE model of cell motion